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FormFit Digital Scale/Analyzer

For those of you who don't know me, in 2013 I was diagnosed with a benign vascular tumor in my stomach.  The surgery ended up being very complicated because the area was surrounded by major arteries and internal organs.  Long story short, there were post-surgical complications and I had to have three operations in three weeks and my GI tract was completely reconfigured.

Because of the fact that whatever I ate no longer stayed in my stomach for full digestion but entered the small intestine, the processing of carbs became a problem.  My pancreas immediately overproduced insulin which causes weight gain.  I gained over 60 pounds in one year!

I had always been around 160-170 pounds my adult life and now had to struggle with being severely overweight.  With part of my heritage being Italian, I have a deep love for pasta, pizza, and sweet desserts.  Five years after surgery, I lost only 20 pounds.

I grew a new determination to not end up with diabetes or any other of a host of health problems that come with being obese.  During a physical exam, I was talking with my doctor about my struggle with weight.  For the first time in my life, I heard an MD tell me that he felt the pharmaceutical companies want to keep us unhealthy for the love of the bottom line profit.  He also said that I should look at the diet of my Italian ancestors - it is nothing like the Italian-American diet of heavy carbs.  In fact, they eat very little - snacks are a handful of olives, fruit, or nuts.

He explained to me that the body is only capable of either, 1) processing the food we eat or 2) rebuilding cells lost over time.  He further told me that he was a firm believer in fasting from time to time and a severely restricted calorie diet.  He recommended that I get the book "The Longevity Diet".

Reading that book opened a whole new world for me.  I made a firm decision to restrict my intake and actually skip meals (while monitoring blood levels and taking supplements to make sure I was not missing essential vitamins and minerals).  I also made a vow to exercise two to three times per week.

It has been a month since I started, and I've lost 14 pounds and 4" off my waist.  Since I am starting exercise, I don't want to be fooled by a smaller weight loss due to increased muscle mass (muscle weighs more than fat), which brought me to this scale/analyzer.

The FormFit scale uses a micro current (less than 1 milliamp of current) to measure body mass, muscle mass, bone density, and water content, and does so in less than a minute.  You simply step on the scale and plant your feet squarely on all four metal plates.  Your weight is calculated and the remaining values are calculated in less than a minute.  This gives me an excellent idea of my fat percentage and muscle mass so I can track it as I continue to lose and exercise.

The design is beautiful with clear glass that allows it to blend in in your floor tile as well as brushed stainless steel and a large, readable display.  It can be customized for up to eight individuals in a household, so the entire family can use it.  Setup takes less than 2 minutes to enter your gender, height, and age so the calculations are specific to only you.

The cost is around $125 which is very reasonable considering the wealth of information it provides.  I highly recommend this scale for anyone who is serious about tracking their weight and monitoring critical values.

If you're interested, click on the "shop" button below to be taken to the manufacturer's website.

CAVEAT: As always, I was not paid or asked to endorse this product.

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